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Stanwick Village Hall Charitable Trust
Registered Charity: 1122786

The Village Hall Trust was initially set up by 5 community volunteers who wanted to provide Stanwick with a quality community building for years to come.  The land had been saved by community volunteers from property development.

After 7 years and a lot patience funding was finally secured for the building of the hall and the keys were handed over to the trust at the end of May 2011.

Non Profit organisation

The Village Hall is run as a non profit organisation by volunteer trustees.  Any profit made is put back into the hall so we can continue to offer a quality building to the community in years to come.  


The hall trustees are a small group of community volunteer for run the hall for the community.

The aims of the trust are:

  • To ensure Stanwick has a community venue open to all, now and in years to come.
  • Keep the hall maintained to a high standard for all hirers.
  • Employ a facilities manager to manage the day to day running of the building.
  • Manage the hall finances so the building is sustainable in the long term.
  • Work with the community.

Our Trustees 

There are over 8,900 village halls throughout the county and most of these are charitable. The people who manage these halls are therefore the Charity Trustees often referred to as Managing Trustees. Here is a gallery showing our Trustee team.


Users and Fundraising

New members and volunteers are always welcome

Fundraising will allow us to pay for repairs, maintenance and improve the hall for the benefit of all our groups and users.

We are keen to set up a user group consisting of representatives from all the community groups and other hall users.  This will ensure we can work together to the benefit of all.

We are also keep to set up a community events/fundraising group which would enable fundraising for all community groups including the hall.

The Jubilee weekend, Hawaiian evening and previous festivals of Christmas were organised by a number of community groups.  Jubilee was non-profit event for the community.  The previous festivals of Christmas were run as non-profit by the organisers but were a way of facilitating community to groups to organise a fun event make a profit from their stalls.  

The hall and the community need you to enable more community events and fundraisers in the future.   

New ideas and volunteers are always welcome.

Copyright © 2025 Stanwick Village Hall. All Rights Reserved
Registered Charity # 1122786