If you have queries please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Group Name



Further Information


Weekly Thurs 6:30 - 7:30pm ay as you go £6 per session, no need to book Facebook livwellyoga23,  instagram liv_well_yoga.


9 – 3pm weekdays in term time.

Funding available the term after children turn 3

For children 2 yrs and up. www.stanwickpreschool.co.uk

Burlesque Chair dance

Monday 8:15 - 9:15pm


 Running until Oct 2022, will return late in 2023.

Fitness Pilates

Tuesdays 6pm – 6:45pm


For more information or to book visit www.slimandfitclasses.com

Adult Table Tennis

Wednesday 7.10 - 9:10pm

£3 per week, £10 membership after 4 weeks.

All abilities welcome. Contact:  01933 418731, Web: http://www.stanwickttc.org.uk/

Womens' Institute

Every 2nd Friday of the month 7:30pm

Annual membership £41.00 for full members, £20.00 to dual members. £4 per meeting.

Stanwick WI is a vibrant popular new WI for women of all ages and from diverse backgrounds.  The aim is to learn new things, make new friends and have fun! Open to any age.  For monthly events please consult the website. Contact: President - Jean Mole on 07572 497116. If unable to contact Jean, phone Treasurer - Teresa  on 07766 166595 or  07736 445658. Web:www.stanwickwi.weebly.com. Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sunday 7 – 9pm

£3 per week

All abilities welcome, feel free to come along.


Monday 7pm – 9pm


Available to play for events.


Contact: Sam Chambers 01933 623855


Web: www.stanwickhandbells.org.uk


Wednesday 10am - 12 term time


Booking via NCC adult learning or call 0300 126 1000



Thurs 8pm-9pm. Lunchtime sessions available.

£5 per session

Contact: Sophie Williams 07705 657133. www.gymcatch.com 

LF Dance

Various Times

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Tuesdays: Adults Tap 7-7.30pm


Adults Dancerise: 7.30-8.15pm


Adults Ballet: 8.15-8.45pm


Wednesdays: Beg. Plus Tap: 4.15-4.45pm


Improvers Tap: 4.45-5.15pm


Street: Ages 11+ 5.15-6.15pm


Improvers Ballet: 6.15-6.45pm


Fridays: Modern: Ages 5-11 4.30-5.15pm


Intermediate Tap: 5.15-5.45pm


Street: Ages 16+ 5.45-6.45pm Int. Ballet: 6.45-7.15pm


Monday 5:30- 6:30pm


WWW.PRSportscoaching.co.uk  7 - 14 years

Stanwick Taekwon - do

1st Friday of the month 7:30 - 9pm  


Fight club,  by invitation to members of Stanwick Taekwondo club based Stanwick primary school, facebook page.